Useful Links and Information

Last modified 22/09/2021 14:12:02

There are lots of other organisations that can offer you support and advice, we have chosen a few below that may be helpful to you. If you regularly use a website that you think should be listed here, please let us know.




Article 39 is a children’s rights charity who help children and young people who live away from home know their rights. They want you to be listened to, respected and to have a great childhood and future. Knowing your rights can help make this happen.

NYAS (National Youth Advocacy Service) is a UK charity that offers information, advice, advocacy and legal representation to children, young people and vulnerable adults.  or Call the NYAS Helpline on 0808 808 1001

Childline - you can contact Childline anytime - calls are free and confidential on 0800 1111


Thinkuknow All the latest information about staying safe online & info about sites you like to visit,mobiles and new technology.

Childnet Is non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.

The Who Cares Trust Is a voice for children in care, they have a Care Advice line. You can talk to them  in confidence – online or over the phone on 020 7017 8901 between 10:30am and 3pm, Monday to Friday or email them at 


The Children's Commissioner for England

Anne Longfield is the Children's Commissioner for England as of 1 March 2015.

She has a legal duty to promote and protect the rights of all children in England with a particular focus on children and young people with difficulties or challenges in their lives, and in particular those living away from home, in or leaving care, or receiving social care services.

Her work focuses on making sure that adults in charge, or making decisions, listen to what children and young people say about things that affect them. She encourages adults, including the people making decisions about children's lives, always to take their rights, views and interests into account.

Anne brings matters that affect children and young people's rights to the attention of Parliament, local government and others.

Anne is supported in all of her work by a small but expert team of staff at the Office of the Children's Commissioner (OCC). All of the OCCs work supports her role as Commissioner.