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The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)  was introduced in April 2010 and allows local authorities to levy a charge on most new types of development. The money raised can be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council and local community want.

CIL charges are based on the size and types of development proposed and are calculated as a charge per square metre. Once set, CIL is mandatory on all developments (with very few exceptions).


Evidence of infrastructure need and an assessment of the economic viability of new development are required when setting the charge. Any CIL Charging Schedule (the main CIL document) would be subject to at least two stages of public consultation and examination by an independent inspector before CIL could be adopted.

The council commissioned consultants URS Planning and Development along with HDH Planning to undertake a viability assessment of the Blackpool Core Strategy including assessing the viability of introducing a CIL charging schedule in Blackpool.


Following the publication of this study in February 2014 and consideration of the findings it was decided not to introduce CIL in Blackpool at this time.