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Training videos

Developing an awareness of sensory processing difficulties (August 2021)

Language for Behaviour and Emotions

Accessibility features in Microsoft 365

Useful links

Spotlight on Social and Emotional Wellbeing: A Routledge and nasen FreeBook 

Mental health and behaviour in schools. Updated advice to help schools to identify pupils whose behaviour may be a result of an underlying mental health difficulty, and direct them towards information about how they can adapt their approaches to support these pupils with their individual needs, within the context of an approach that is based on clear expectation of behaviour.

nurtureuk | An inclusive education for all

Ollee – a virtual friend | Parent Zone - Meet Ollee - 8-11 year olds

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

Connect with Respect - Fylde Coast Women's Aid - FCWA - dealing with child on parent aggression

App | New Horizon - Meditation & Sleep Stories ( - support for young children who struggle to sleep

Home - Teen Sleep Hub - support for teens who struggle to sleep

Home - Calm Harm App - Support for children who self-harm

distrACT app - NHS ( - support for children who self-harm and have suicidal thoughts

Helping someone else | Mind, the mental health charity - help for mental health problems 

ADHD Kids: Advice, support and coaching for parents of kids with ADHD

Resources | Tictock Therapy - resources for children encountering tics and tourettes

Kooth– Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people

Papryus - prevention of young suicide

Children’s mental health week website – Download assemblies and activities for mental health week. · Free materials to help start conversations with young people

Mentally healthy schools website – Quality assured information, advice and resources to help primary schools understand and promote mental health and wellbeing.

Beat – Beat is the UK’s leading charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, EDNOS or any other difficulties with food, weight and shape.

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

The Thrive Approach to social and emotional wellbeing