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Communication for young people - primary age

All children and young people are entitled to

  • Quality first teaching to challenge and develop all children including those with communication needs
  • Staff with knowledge of the typical developmental stages for speech, language and communication and the implications for teaching and learning
  • Staff who understand the effect of language development that does not follow a typical pattern
  • Teachers who can communicate effectively and explicitly teach speech, language and communication skills
  • Practitioners who create a language rich environment, which provides language learning opportunities and interactions in daily activities
  • Careful and detailed transition arrangements made for all transition opportunities, including year 7 and post 16
  • Access to a communication friendly learning environment
  • Integrating communication into everyday situations and scenarios
  • Access to a school setting or professional that can refer to speech and language therapy
  • Named speech, language and communication lead in school for provision and strategies. Guide on resources for continuation of provision
  • Practitioners who recognise and respond to all methods of communication
  • Access to a GP
  • Child has access to pre-teaching and learning for vocabulary, concepts and reading
  • NHS telephone advice service short appointments
  • Baseline and monitoring assessment in the primary years
  • Access to reception hearing test
  • Knowledgeable parents and practitioners aware of their role in supporting speech, language and communication development and working together in partnership.

Some children and young people may need

  • Identification of speech, language and communication needs where pupils are not meeting age-related expectations
  • Access to appropriate school-based interventions, including Elklan strategies, to provide a short-term boost to language learning delivered by appropriately trained members of staff
  • Person-centred approaches to meeting identified needs either for individuals or in small groups
  • A graduated approach to speech, language and communication which may require a referral to the SEND support team or speech and language therapy (SaLT)
  • Identified members of staff who can deliver the speech and language programme in the setting following advice and guidance of the speech and language therapist
  • Child to have access to a personalised communication passport. Templates available from Call Scotland Creating communication passports

A few chidren and young people may need

  • Access to a speech and language therapist who can assess, provide advice and guidance and, where appropriate, intervention to the young person
  • Identified members of staff who can support speech and language programmes in the setting (if required) following the advice and guidance of the speech and language therapist
  • Advice about alternative, augmentative communication (AAC) available through Blackpool Council SEND support Team.
  • Access to educational psychologist if appropriate
  • Access to diagnostic pathways
  • Access to specialist communication software and equipment, advice and signposting is available through Blackpool Council SEND support team