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Communication offer for young people - pregnancy to school age

All children and young people are entitled to

  • Access to good communication environments
  • Expectant parents to have access to ante-natal programmes
  • Brazelton Newborn Observation Techniques offered universally at first or second new-born Health Visitor contacts -up to 3 months of age
  • Eight visits offered under the enhanced Health visitor model and universal plus offer on a needs led basis
  • WellComm screening at at 9 to 12 month, 2 to 2.5 years and 3 to 3.5 year development check
  • Ages and stages questionnaire
  • Access to a GP
  • Consistent tracking system to plot speech, language and communication progress and to provide: early identification; intervention for those with speech, language and communication delay; challenge and progress for those performing as or above expected
  • Knowledgeable parents and practitioners aware of their role in supporting speech, language and communication development and working together in partnership
  • Access to universal play sessions with a Speech, Language and Communication focus (link to family hub timetable might be useful here), which support parents to aware of their role in supporting speech, language and communication development and working together in partnership
  • Practitioners who create a language rich environment, which provides language learning opportunities and interactions in daily activities
  • Baseline assessment on entry to and early years foundation stage assessment at the end of reception
  • NHS telephone advice service short appointments

Some children and young people may need

  • Identification of where babies are not meeting age-related expectations
  • Identification of attachment/early intervention issues between parents and young babies
  • Speech and language home visiting service
  • Access to speech, language and communication advice and programme of support through settings and community or home based intervention
  • Access to appropriate interventions to improve language learning delivered by appropriately trained members of staff.
  • Practitioners to have access to key messages promoting positive interaction from the early years team, Communicate CIC and Better Start 
  • Targeted support for children in early years settings with an identified speech, language and communication need

A few children and young people may need

  • Access to specialist provision such as NHS, Blenheim and/or Portage
  • Referral to specialist health visitor for Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
  • Referral to specialist health visitor for Parents and Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS)
  • Referral for a Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale up to 2 months of age, with the Specialist Health Visitor with video interactive guidance
  • Access to a speech and language therapist who can assess, provide advice and guidance and, where appropriate, intervention to the child
  • Identified members of staff who can support speech and language programmes in the setting (if required) following the advice and guidance of the speech and language therapist
  • Involvement of early years SEND advisory teacher around complex speech, language and communication needs/social communication difficulties