
6 March 2023

The Platform celebrates their success over the last year

This morning, The Platform team held their second networking event since launching almost a year ago.

Two young people
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The Platform is a jobs and skills base for 16-24 year-olds in Blackpool who are currently unemployed or not in training or education.

With the one year anniversary of the service approaching on 17 March, it was a perfect time to take a look back over the last year and celebrate the great success and outcomes from the service.

The Leader of Blackpool Council, Cllr Lynn Williams and Director of Communications and Regeneration, Alan Cavill, were joined to speak by Adele Middleton, representative from The Princes Trust and Helen Warren, District Senior Partnership Leader from Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Two young people who found employment with The Platform also attended to speak about their fantastic experiences with the team.

Matthew Miller was hired by Blackpool Council’s Vitaline, Blackpool’s Community Alarm Centre which supports independent living through advanced technology.

Harrison White gained a Digital Marketing Apprenticeship at Be More Cheetah and is looking forward to starting his new career as of next week.

The Platform is making fantastic strides by supporting young people and making connections with local employers. Huge well done to the team and to all of the young people who have gone on to gain employment, training or have found their next step into education with The Platform.

If you or someone you know is looking for support when it comes to jobs, training or education, get in touch:

WhatsApp/Text - 07342 056448 

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