Your Social Worker

Last modified 10/03/2021 14:48:28


A social worker is someone who helps children, young people and their families when they go through difficult times. You will have your own social worker when you become ‘looked after’.

Your social worker will

  • Listen to you and get to know you
  • Help you with any problems you may have
  • Give you advice and support
  • Make sure you have everything you need
  • Work with you, your parents and carers to make plans for your future

Your social worker will 

  • come and see you in the first week of coming into our care, just to make sure you are ok and answer any             questions you may have 
  • Then every six weeks for the first year
  • Then at least every three months

If you need to see your social worker to come and see you for any reason, just let them know and they will arrange to come out and see you. 

when will I see my social worker?

The law says that your social worker has to visit you at the place where you are currently living, however you meet up with them in other places too. Have a chat with your social worker if you would like to meet them somewhere else.

It is important that you get time alone to speak to your social worker, know how to contact them and have their mobile work no. You can text them too.

When you speak to your social worker, just ask them to fill in and send or bring a contact us card with all their contact details.

 If you have any questions or would like to Speak To Us about anything else please do get in touch.