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Climate emergency

We have declared a climate emergency in Blackpool, which means urgent action must be taken to stop climate change.

We are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions and 100% clean energy use by 2030. In doing this we want to create a healthier place to live and benefit the local economy.

But we can’t fix the climate emergency alone – we need everyone in Blackpool to help. Council services, businesses and residents all need to work together to make a real change.

In 2020, Blackpool's carbon footprint was 468.5 ktCO2e.

The carbon emissions were:

  • 48% domestic 
  • 23% industry and commercial 
  • 19% transport
  • 0.05% agriculture
  • 0.08% public sector emissions

Emissions have dropped by 14.663% since 2018 According to UK Government data. This is potentially due to the impact of covid-19 on industry.

The council only has control over a very small proportion of the overall carbon footprint. That's why we all need to come together in Blackpool to tackle the climate emergency.

Our Climate Emergency Action Plan sets out how the council and the town can aim for net zero carbon emissions by 2030. 

News highlight

Blackpool has been awarded £5.1 million for its Shared Prosperity bid; business support, eco-coaching, flood protection, intensive employment support and community cultural art projects are all part of the successful bid. 

Through this Shared Prosperity fund, an eco-hub will be established in the town which houses eco-coaches. This hub and its eco-coaches will be in place to help residents with energy efficiency advice and support. The Shared Prosperity Fund also allows the prospect of natural flood defence to be explored. 

You can find more infomation about eco-coaches.

Local climate news