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Blackpool validation checklist

All applications must comply with the national submission requirements in order to be made valid.  

The national validation requirements are currently set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. Any change to the national requirements will not be considered to be a change to this local validation checklist but this link will be updated for clarity and convenience. 

In addition to the national requirements, the following local requirements will apply, and this information must be submitted with your application in order for it to be made valid. 

Please note that no work will be carried out on your application and no decision will be made unless your application is valid. 

By area 

Conservation areas – a heritage statement will be required for all schemes that could have a material impact upon the character of the Conservation Area. A tree survey will be required for any scheme within a conservation area that may affect the root protection area of a tree or result in the removal of a tree. 

Key promenade frontage – all proposals for new-build developments within the defined key promenade frontage must be accompanied by a streetscene drawing and computer-generated image showing the proposed building within the context of the promenade. 

Town centre - all proposals for new-build developments within the defined town centre boundary must be accompanied by a streetscene drawing and computer-generated image showing the proposed building within the context of the site. 

Holiday accommodation areas – proposals for change-of-use from holiday accommodation to other uses must be accompanied by a viability study to demonstrate that the property has no realistic future in holiday accommodation use. 

Employment areas – proposals for a loss of an employment use must be accompanied by a demonstration that the premises has been robustly and appropriately marketed for at least 12 months without success. 

Sites within 6 km of Blackpool Airport – all applications other than change of use must specify the maximum height of development above ordnance datum. 

Flood zones 2 and 3 – All applications for new-build developments within flood zones 2 and 3 must be accompanied by sequential appraisals and, where necessary, by a demonstration of compliance with the exceptions test. You can identify the flood zone of your site hand you can get further guidance online 

Ecologically sensitive locations – if your site includes or is within 500m of a pond, Biological Heritage Site, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, or ‘habitats’ site as defined by the NPPF, or if your site is a greenfield site including trees, hedgerows or shrubs, an appropriate ecological appraisal will be required or confirmation from a suitably qualified and experienced ecologist that no such is needed. 

Blackpool Victoria Hospital and Blackpool and Fylde College – any application resulting in a material increase in floorspace or loss of parking provision shall be accompanied by a site parking review. 

By application/proposal type 

General - planning obligations – depending upon the type of application, the Council may require planning obligations in the form of financial contributions towards the provision of affordable housing, public open space, local education, health-care, public art or tree planting. These obligations are set out in Policies CS11, CS14 and CS15 of the Blackpool Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy 2012-2027 and Policies DM21 and DM25 of the Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies 2012-2027. They will generally be secured through the imposition of planning conditions or a legal agreement. 

  • If you accept the imposition of the relevant planning obligations, your planning application must be accompanied by a statement detailing the obligations you consider relevant and confirmation that you accept these requirements. This statement should also provide relevant solicitor details and land registry titles
  • If you consider that the imposition of planning obligations would render your proposal financially unviable, your planning application must be accompanied by a viability assessment including detailed costings to demonstrate this. Please note that Parts 1 and 2 of the Local Plan have already been subject to appropriate viability testing and the policies within these documents found to be sound and reasonable. Viability arguments relating to the payment of planning obligations will therefore only be considered where exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated

Major scale proposals (residential)

 All major scale residential proposals other than change of use must be accompanied by:

  • SUDS proforma and concept drainage strategy.
  • Biodiversity matrix assessment of the existing site
  • Biodiversity matrix assessment of the proposed finished development
  • a statement explaining what renewable energy generation options have been considered to serve the development, including building orientation etc, and a justification if no such measures are proposed
  • A Transport Statement or Transport Assessment and Travel Plan as required by Appendix G2 of the Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies 2012-2027 

Major scale proposals (non-residential) 

All major scale non-residential proposals other than change of use must be accompanied by:

  • SUDS proforma and concept drainage strategy
  • Biodiversity matrix assessment of the existing site
  • Biodiversity matrix assessment of the proposed finished development
  • BREEAM design-stage interim certificate or equivalent demonstrating that the scheme would meet the BREEAM level of ‘very good’. If this cannot be achieved, a statement providing robust justification for this that sets out alternative mitigation measures must be provided
  • A statement explaining how full-fibre broadband connectivity would be provided, or justifying why this cannot be provided
  • A Transport Statement or Transport Assessment and Travel Plan as required by Appendix G2 of the Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies 2012-2027 

Minor scale proposals (residential)

All minor scale residential proposals other than change of use must be accompanied by:

  • A statement explaining what renewable energy generation options have been considered to serve the development, including building orientation etc, and a justification if no such measures are proposed 

Minor scale proposals (non-residential) 

All minor scale non-residential proposals other than change of use must be accompanied by:

  • A statement explaining how full-fibre broadband connectivity would be provided, or justifying why this cannot be provided
  • A sustainability statement explaining how the scheme would minimise energy and water use and waste

New build developments of 5 storeys (or equivalent) or more in height 

All such applications must be accompanied by a Townscape Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA). 

Proposals involving demolition 

All applications that involve full or partial demolition of a building must be accompanied by:

  • A bat survey or a statement from a suitably qualified and experienced ecologist to confirm that no such survey is required
  • A Demolition Method Statement

Please note that this validation requirement does not apply to householder schemes but, where necessary, this information may be required before a decision can be made on your application.

Affordable housing 

  • All residential proposals for 15 dwellings or more that include on-site affordable housing provision must be accompanied by an affordable housing statement to set out the proposed housing types, how the properties would be managed and how their affordable status would be maintained
  • All proposals that would require affordable housing provision or a financial contribution in lieu in accordance with Policy CS14 of the Blackpool Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy 2012-2027 will need to be accompanied by any information required by any Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document adopted by the Council at the time of submission

Main town centre uses development outside of a defined centre 

All retail proposals that fall outside of a designated centre must be accompanied by a sequential appraisal and an assessment of impact to meet the requirements of Policy CS4 of the Blackpool Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy 2012-2027 and Policy DM15 of the Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies 2012-2027. For the purpose of this requirement, ‘retail development’ relates to uses falling within Class E(a) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) and ‘a defined centre’ would include the district and local centres and the primary shopping area of the town centre as defined on the Policies Map to the Local Plan. Further guidance can be found on web site. 

Leisure uses outside of the defined resort core and town centre 

All major-scale proposals for non-sports/fitness leisure schemes outside of the Resort Core must be accompanied by a Leisure Impact Assessment. 

Loss of community facility

Any proposal for the loss of a community facility must be accompanied by a statement demonstrating that the existing use (if applicable) is no longer financially viable, that the premises has been robustly and appropriately marketed, and that the site has no viable future in community use. 

Residential (adult and children’s) care uses, supported housing and student accommodation

All proposals for such uses must be supported by a management plan explaining how the premises would be managed and operated. 

Serviced holiday accommodation

Must be accompanied by a noise survey and a management plan detailing the following:

  • Arrangements for the storage and collection of waste
  • Arrangements for the arrival and departure of guests
  • Arrangements for the cleaning and servicing of the apartments
  • A means by which contact details for a managing agent can be displayed on the premises (to be readable from a public vantage point)
  • Arrangements for the resolution of any issues that are identified to the managing agent
  • The keeping of a register of guests (to include guest name and permanent home address) staying at the premises to be retained for at least 12 months and to be made available to the council for inspection upon request 

Certificates of lawfulness for existing residential uses 

Must be supported by one or more of the following: sworn statement(s), Council Tax evidence, housing benefit information, electoral registration records, utilities bills, rent book records or tenancy agreements. All applications must be supported with plans which accurately show the layout of the property. 


The information set out above is that required, as a minimum, to make an application valid. The information listed below is not necessary to validate your application, but may be helpful to illustrate your proposal. This is particularly true if your application is for a new-build proposal or in a sensitive location. In such cases, it is strongly recommended that the following information be submitted: 

  • Levels plans to illustrate the relationship between the proposed building and those existing
  • Streetscene drawings to illustrate the relationship between the proposed building and those existing
  • Section drawings to illustrate the architectural detailing on a building
  • Photographs and photo-montages or computer generated images  

General Data Protection Regulation 

The information provided on application forms will be held for the purpose of carrying out the planning service to meet the council's statutory duties. The information will be made available for public inspection, included on the councils website and will be disclosed to other council sections and other statutory bodies.